Ohio Diagnostic Services (ODS) has performed Functional Capacity Evaluations throughout Ohio for over 10 years. We are a certified Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation provider.

ODS is an evaluation center only, specializing in Functional Capacity Evaluations. We do not provide or recommend treatment. Therefore, you will always receive an unbiased report.

When referring, ODS does all of the legwork such as: obtaining a signed C9 from the physician of record, forwarding the C9 for approval, scheduling the injured worker near his or her home, and sending the reports to the appropriate parties. We will also contact the employer to obtain a job description when needed. In addition, we can determine if transitional work or modified duty are available to the injured worker. This information can assist the physician of record in providing restrictions or a return to work plan. 

All of our locations utilize the Computerized Arcon Functional Testing System. The Arcon system utilizes standardized protocols to provide an accurate assessment of the injured workers’ functional capabilities. This means consistency regardless of the tester or location. The Arcon system calculates validity by using a number of methods including heart rate monitoring, coefficient variance, method-time measurements, and rapid exchange. These standardized measures assist to detect symptom magnification or inconsistent performance.

ODS utilizes a unique “Release To Work Letter”. Once the FCE is completed, the results and a letter are sent to the physician of record for review. The physician of record is able to comment on the results and potentially release the injured worker to work. Thus instead of results going into a “black hole,” our unique process promotes case resolution.